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Contact the Domestic Violence Helpline
+44 0207 242 1666

Together we can stop

Domestic Violence

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Identify Abuse

Identify Abuse

Violence against women and girls is rooted in gender inequality; most of it is perpetrated by men against women. There are numerous forms of domestic violence, sexual violence, human trafficking, and modern slavery, forced marriage, female genital mutilation, and ‘honour’ violence. Regardless of how you have experienced gender-based violence, we are here to support you.
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Types of Abuse

Types of Abuse

There are many forms of violence and abuse. Refuge offers specialist support to women and children who may be experiencing a variety of forms of gender-based violence including: domestic violence; rape and sexual abuse; forced marriage; so-called ‘honour’-based violence; human trafficking and modern slavery; prostitution; and female genital mutilation (FGM).
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Call Helpline

Call Helpline

You can speak to a member of the Domestic Violence Helpline at any time, day or night. The Helpline adviser will offer confidential, non-judgmental information and expert support. The team will provide a listening ear if you want to talk about your experiences and support you to work through your options in the short and long term. Our aim is to work with you to keep you safe.
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Type of abuse and violence

There are many forms of violence and abuse. Refuge offers specialist support to women and children who may be experiencing a variety of forms of gender-based violence including: domestic violence; rape and sexual abuse; forced marriage; so-called ‘honour’-based violence; human trafficking and modern slavery; prostitution; and female genital mutilation (FGM).

  • Domestic violence

  • Sexual violence

  • Tech abuse

  • Female genital mutilation (FGM)

  • ‘Honour’-based violence

  • Forced marriage

  • Human trafficking & modern slavery

  • Economic abuse

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A Helpline for all women and concerned friends, family and professionals​.
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In an emergency, always call 999

How We Work

Our services

Domestic Violence outreach workers support women in their homes or in a safe place within the community. Some may be living with their abuser, whilst others may have left but still need support. Our experts provide one-to-one emotional and practical support, including around safety planning, housing applications and financial empowerment.

Our independent domestic, sexual and gender violence advocates provide expert guidance for women at the highest risk of injury and harm of all forms of violence, but particularly to those women who are going through the civil and criminal courts. They offer support, for example, to report to police, to give statements, attend court safely or testify against the perpetrator.

Women from minority ethnic groups may face additional barriers to accessing support due to discrimination, language needs or immigration status, for example. Refuge is committed to breaking down those barriers. Our expert staff speak 44 languages and Refuge provides culturally-specific services for Eastern European, Vietnamese, African, Caribbean and Asian women.

These services act as the first point of contact for any victim of gender-based violence in a particular local area.  We provide support for domestic violence, sexual violence, human trafficking and modern slavery, forced marriage, FGM and so-called ‘honour’-based violence.

Domestic Violence offers a number of single point of access services, which act as the first point of contact for any victim of gender-based violence in a specific area. These services operate across entire local authorities and offer a broad range of support.

Our tech abuse and empowerment team supports women in our services who have had technology used against them as a weapon of domestic abuse. We empower survivors so they can use technology positively and safely and take back control of their lives.

Domestic Violence employs a team of child support workers in its refuges and community-based services. They provide vital one-to-one and group sessions for the children of our clients, supporting them with homework clubs and play and school holiday activities.

The Domestic Violence Helpline is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our expert advisers offer confidential, non-judgmental support and information as well as access to specialist domestic violence services across the country.

Domestic Violence Helpline supports victims of human trafficking and modern slavery across its national services. Many victims of modern slavery are trafficked into the UK from overseas and many others (including a significant number of British nationals) are trafficked within and across the UK and held in conditions of slavery.

Freephone 24-Hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 2000 247

visit www.nationaldahelpline.org.uk (access live chat Mon-Fri 3-10pm)
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